MarcVic Services

Str Dimitrie Cantemir nr 40
Sibiu, Romania 550 078

MarcVic Services is a Romanian technology service provider and consultancy company that empowers organizations across various industries with the right tools, data, and technologies. Our services help our customers make informed decisions based on real-time data collection sensors (indoor/outdoor footfall counting and heat-mapping, customer segmentation), spatial analytics and location planning (socio-demography, GIS-Geomarketing). Our route planning and optimization solutions are based on strong algorithms that provide the most efficient routes that satisfy an optimal mix of all applied constraints.

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Business Consultancy

Our experience in Routing and Location Intelligence data solutions helps our clients to blend and analyze data from various sources and formats, standardize and geocode large volumes of customer CRM data, add valuable information about their behavior, and link the customer data with our software solutions.

Tech Implementation

Together with our customers we refine the RFQ's in accordance with the data and features available. We support the scaling and testing of our solutions, recommend purchasing and licensing models, organize tailored technical training and technical support sessions even after implementation.

Software & Solutions

We offer Cloud and On-Premise solutions that could be tailored to your specific needs. Our Software as a services solutions include maintenance and technical support costs, reduced costs of the hardware infrastructure, license fees paid depending on selected solution features utilization.


MarcVic has shown tremendous thought leadership across a number of industries including retail, grocery, and courier delivery and we are impressed with their customer-centric approach"

- Neil Hooper, VP WorkWave

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